family Ministry

Westwood Baptist’s Family Ministry exists to serve the families of Westwood Baptist Church. The purpose of the ministry is to guide the next generation to know God, love God, and show God. The ministry will walk alongside parents by encouraging, equipping, and supplementing the ministry being done at home. As for those that have parents who are not members of Westwood Baptist Church, the ministry desires to see their lives transformed by the gospel of Jesus Christ as well as their family.

  • birth to 5 years

    The nursery is provided during all services. Our teachers are dedicated to providing safe, loving, and nurturing care for our WBC Littles. 

  • kindergarten to grade 5

    Sunday School: Classes are divided into Kindergarten through 1st grade, 2nd through 3rd grade, and 4th through 5th grade. Our curriculum is written by Truth 78 ministries and each class has their own 40-week study. 

    Worship Service: We encourage our families to sit together, as parents train their children to engage in our weekly service. There are resources available to assist parents during the service.

    For children in grades 4th through 6th, we have a Bible Drill Program from September to April. This program is focused on Scripture memorization and is highly-structured. 

    On Wednesday evenings, we offer a WBC Children's Choir program for children in Kindergarten through 6th grade. The program teaches basic music concepts and practices God-honoring songs for special church events. 

    Sunday evenings, Royal Ambassadors (RA's) and Girl's in Action (GA's) meet where children can learn about mission work.

  • grade 6 to grade 12

    During Sunday mornings, our youth go through entire books of the Bible using a method of Bible Study known as the Seven Arrows of Bible Reading. Additionally, we hold Equip classes which are 11-week courses covering doctrine, Bible, and spiritual foundations for the entire church. We highly encourage our youth to partake in these inter-generational classes.